[–] 2impendingdoom 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Podesta transfered his shares to his daughter Megan Rouse. I think Leonido Holdings was her deal. there should be posts about this in Pizzagate from a year ago.

[–] TheHolyGrail [S] 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Leonidio Holdings - panorama nha trang panorama-nhatrang.info/publications/keywords/leonidio-holdings.html Lani Bresler (@allurephoto) | Twitter. WikiLeaks: Podesta Continued Ties to Russian Firm After He Said He Divested | Weasel Zippers. EconomicPolicyJournal.com: HOT EXCLUSIVE Address Designated By Podesta for Mysterious Holding ... EMAIL ID 30456 GABE PODESTA to HIS BROTHER JOHN,

[–] 2impendingdoom 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Gabe is John's son. He is a JAG Lawyer

[–] derram 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

https://archive.fo/YVPbv :

Tony Podesta - The Washington Post

https://archive.fo/Pe80U :

WikiLeaks on Twitter: "Assignment Agreement for Leonidio Holdings (see attachments) the vehicle used by John Podesta to hide Joule shares t.co/UlkLQmIKU6"

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